Uploading images/files using Django(graphene-django) and graphene-file-upload

David Kisekka
2 min readJul 2, 2021


Hey there, in this article, I will discuss how I implemented uploading images using graphql and Django. Most part of this article can also be used when uploading files.

Tools/libraries used:

The implementation:

In our models.py file, we have our Company model as shown below:

models.py file with a Company model.

In our Company model, we have the logo field that is a Django ImageField. This is the field to which we are to upload the image.

We then install graphene-file-upload that will carry out the image uploading swiftly:

pip install graphene-file-upload

After installation is done, in the urls.py file, we then replace our previous Graphql view with the FileUploadGraphQLView from graphene_file_upload

from graphene_file_upload.django import FileUploadGraphQLView

urlpatterns = [
url(r'^graphql', FileUploadGraphQLView.as_view(graphiql=True)),

We then create a form, for validation purposes, although I didn't include the validation bit, and the CreateCompanyMutation class view as follows:

In the mutations.py file, we use the graphene-file-upload scalar type, Upload, as our logo input type and add required=False argument as it wouldn't be a required input when creating a company.

In case the image is uploaded, it will be added to the file_data dictionary(line 22) and bound(line 26) to the CreateCompanyMutationForm, from where it would then be uploaded to the Company model field, logo.

Don’t forget to add CreateCompanyMutation to the main mutation class i.e.

create_company = CreateCompanyMutation.Field()

We can test a request sent to CreateCompanyMutation view by using tools like insomnia or postman, as of now, I don't think there is a way of making this request with a file/image using graphiql.

Below I show the structure of the request in insomnia, which can also be done in postman.

insomnia request.

In insomnia, we need to select the content type of the request to be Multipart Form and create 3 parameters for this. These are operations, map, and 0.
0 is the image to be uploaded, operations(Text(Multi-line)) is the query mutation, and map(Text(Multi-line)) contains a mapping to the logo variable in operations as shown below.

In the Header, we need to add the Content-Type as multipart/form-data.

The Headers

And we are done. We are ready to make the request. Hopefully, this article was helpful in any way to you.

Thanks for reading.



David Kisekka

Software Engineer , Citizen of Planet Earth, Aggressive Learner.